Give Thanks ~ Day 9

Day 9 of the 'Give Thanks' Challenge =)

Mom, Melissa, and Molly enjoyed going to a friend's jewelry party this afternoon. While no one came home with any new accessories, they did come back talking about the beautiful pieces and potential gifts for others! I didn't go with them as I had an assignment that I was still working on. And Dad? Well, one assumes that this party didn't exactly catch his attention ;) And he also put in a lot of work outside cleaning up the leaves that are falling like crazy around here.

And here's the lists of the day...

~encouraging friends
~my parents and their example of a Godly marriage and Biblical roles of men and women
~family movie nights -- a tradition that holds many memories for me!
~God's absolute truth -- a strong foundation on which to base my life
~the promise of a perfect eternity with Christ
~movies that proclaim Biblical truth
~a variety of communication avenues with my family and friends -- this blog, the CollegePlus forums, Skype, texting, phone calls

~the hope that we have in Christ
~pretty things
~cozy time with your sister as you watch a movie :)
~the thoughtfulness my daddy showed this afternoon
~my common sense family ;)
~those who have suffered for the prolife movement
~things that refocus me on Christ

Yes, you did read that right! Molly wrote up a list of eight things today =)

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