Give Thanks ~ Day 13

So close to the halfway point... As a sidenote, I don't think I've ever thought about the date/position in the month as much as I have this month. Must have something to do with blogging everyday...

Aside from studying lots of school (and I'm sure y'all don't really want to see my notes about the intricacies of accounting), I got to send this package today:

Since my CollegePlus friends and I can't exchange gifts in person, Austin H. (a former CP student and recent graduate) has organized a Secret Santa mail exchange for the past two years and I love it! Seeing as my package is still on its way to my giftee, I can't say what's in it or where it's going... But I'm reasonably satisfied that my recipient will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed my present...

I received my package on Friday, from Serena. She sent this box full of goodies straight from Seattle where she's going to grad school. The tea and chocolate are delicious. I've used the barrette to tame my curls several times. The yarn has an project waiting for it and the pens are brightening up my school notes.

Oh and that gorgeous framed saying? It happens to match my bedroom decor beautifully and is sitting on my bookshelf to greet me each morning as I get out of bed =)

I must say that I'm not sure which is more fun... Plotting what to send to my recipient or getting a surprise package in the mail. Good thing I don't have to pick!

Our 'Give Thanks' lists...

~my pastor
~comfortable cars to drive
~hot chocolate
~friendly competition with friends
~daily Bible study with my mom and sisters
~seeing Christ-like examples in friends
~my salvation through Christ -- that HE chose to save me despite my sins and has give me everything I've mentioned so far... Truly Jesus Christ is at the very top of my thankful list

~Salads that have olives in them! :D :D :D :D
~Other authors that have encourage me in that arena
~The time I spent chatting this afternoon with my buddy Grandpa ;)
~The laughs I got with Lissy today when I failed at Superman xD
~"Small Children" as my friend Grace calls them :)  All of the young kids in my life are so special
~Socks!  Seriously, what would we do without them??
~The beautiful leaves that God paints so prettily

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