Molly's 14th Birthday

Have you noticed that our birthdays go in order of ages? Me (oldest) is first, then comes Melissa, and finally, Molly. Just a neat observation :)

Molly's Birthday found us separated as a family with her, Mom, and I up in Harrisburg, PA while Dad and Melissa were here at home.

You see, Molly's birthday coincided with the CHAP Homeschool Convention. Due to school and work commitments, Dad and Melissa were unable to come this year. The convention ran Friday-Saturday. Molly's birthday was on Saturday.

We 'officially' celebrated her birthday on Sunday, May 12th. It was a day of celebrations as both Molly's birthday and Mother's Day!

No, this is not how Molly dresses every day :P
This is her in the Basket of Flowers play (March 2013)
On Sunday we spent the morning at church, attending both church and Sunday School.

After a quiet lunch of leftovers (quiet, because we always divide the newspaper up and read during Sunday lunch - It's the quietest our house ever is!), we opened presents.

Molly got a few CDs, a metal basket for her bike, and rabbit food, and a new fiction book.

In the evening, Mom cooked (yes, even though it was Mother's Day, she insisted!) Molly's dinner of a ham and ravioli dish.

We let our dinner digest while we had our family prayer time. Every Sunday evening, we spend time (usually about 15 minutes) praying. We go around the room and each person is free to lift up things that the Lord has laid on their heart. Dad records each request in an ongoing word doc and emails it to each of us after we pray so that we can remember these requests throughout the week.

Ever since she was little, Molly has usually requested a 'surprise' birthday dessert -meaning that she has left the choice of the dessert up to Mom's imagination. Throughout the years, we have had regular cake, angel food cake, cookies, and more for Molly's dessert. About 3 years ago, Mom experimented with an ice cream cake and that has been Molly's birthday dessert ever since (with varying flavors of ice cream throughout the years). This year's flavor was mint chip.

Happy 14th Birthday, Molly! It's so neat to see you growing up (albeit, you make me feel short because I no longer have a little sister, I have a little-big sister) both physically and spiritually! Your insights on everything from school, to our bible study, to my "online" friendships keep me thinking. Keep on growing and changing!

"...He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." ~Philippians 1:6b